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组织学实习指导 英文版 邹仲之 主编 2008年版

组织学实习指导 英文版 邹仲之 主编 2008年版

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资料类别: 医药
推荐信息: 实习   主编   英文   指导   组织学

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组织学实习指导 英文版
作者:邹仲之 主编
Chapter 1 Preface
 Appendix: The structures and operation of microscope
Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue
 1. Simple squamous epithelium (endothelium, TS of medium-sized artery and vein)
 2. Simple columnar epithelium (gall bladder)
 3. Simple columnar epithelium (jejunum)
 4. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (trachea, TS)
 5. Stratified squamous epithelium (esophagus, TS)
 6. Transitional epithelium (urinary bladder)
 7. Mixed gland (submandibular gland)
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue
 1. Loose connective tissue (rat mesentery)
 2. Plasma cells (trachea, TS)
 3. Dense irregular connective tissue and adipose tissue (skin of finger)
 4. Dense regular connective tissue (tendon, LS & TS)
 5. Reticular tissue (lymph node)
Chapter 4 Blood
 Blood smear
Chapter 5 Cartilage and Bone
 1. Hyaline cartilage (trachea, TS)
 2. Fibrocartilage (Intervertebral disk)
 3. Elastic cartilage (auricle)
 4. Compact bone (Diaphysis of long bone, TS & LS)
 5. The development of long bone (LS of decalcified fetal finger)
Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue
 1. Skeletal muscle (limb, TS & LS)
 2. Skeletal muscle (tongue)
 3. Cardiac muscle (LS of the heart wall)
 4. Cardiac muscle (LS of the heart wall)
 5. Smooth muscle (jejunum)
Chapter 7 Nervous Tissue
 1. Neuron (spinal cord, TS)
 2. Neurofibril (spinal cord, TS)
 3. Astrocyte (cerebrum)
 4. Nerve and nerve fiber (sciatic nerve, TS & LS)
 5. Motor end-plate (intercostal muscle or orbicularis oculi)
 6. Meissner's corpuscle & Pacinian corpuscle (palmar skin of finger)
 7. Meissner's corpuscle (palmar skin of finger)
Chapter 8 Nervous System
 1. Cerebrum (cerebral hemisphere)
 2. Cerebellum
 3. Spinal Cord (TS)
 4. Spinal ganglion
Chapter 9 Eyes and Ears
 1. Eyeballs (sagittal section)
 2. Eyelid (sagittal section)
 3. Inner ear (guinea pig)
Chapter 10 Circulatory System
 1. Heart (LS)
 2. Large arteries (TS)
 3. Large arteries (TS)
 4. Medium-sized arteries and veins (TS)
 5. Large veins (TS)
Chapter 11 Skin
 1. Thick skin (or hairless skin, from finger or toe)
 2. Scalp (or hairy skin)
 3. Thin skin (or hairy skin, from the back or the abdomen)
Chapter 12 Immune System
 1. Thymus (infant)
 2. Thymus (adult)
 3. Lymph node
 4. Spleen
 5. Palatine tonsil
Chapter 13 Endocrine System
 1. Thyroid gland
 2. Parafollicular cells of thyroid gland
 3. Parathyroid gland
 4. Adrenal gland
 5. Hypophysis (Sagittal Section)
Chapter 14 Digestive Tract
 1. Tongue (perpendicular section)
 2. Esophagus (TS)
 3. Stomach (the body or fundus)
 4. Stomach (pylorus)
 5. Duodenum (TS or LS)
 6. Jejunum (TS or LS)
 7. Ileum (TS or LS)
 8. Colon (TS or LS)
 9. Appendix (TS)
Chapter 15 Digestive glands
 1. Parotid gland
 2. Submandibular gland
 3. Pancreas
 4. Pig liver
 5. Human liver
 6. Kupffer cells (rat liver)
 7. Glycogen of hepatocytes
 8. Bile canaliculi
 9. Blood vessels of the liver
 10. Gall bladder
Chapter 16 Respiratory System
 1. Olfactory region of the nose
 2. Trachea (TS)
 3. Lung
 4. Elastic fibers in the lung
Chapter 17 Urinary System
 1. Kidney
 2. Renal blood vessels
 3. Urinary bladder
Chapter 18 Male Reproductive System
 1. Testis and epididymis
 2. Semen smear
 3. Prostate (sectioned through prostatic urethra)
Chapter 19 Female Reproductive System
 1. Ovary (cat or rabbit)
 2. Oviduct (TS)
 3. Uterus (proliferative phase)
 4. Mammary glands (quiescent stage)