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湍流十讲 英文版 (英)皮特·戴维森,(日)金田行雄,(美)凯特派立·斯尼华申著 2018年版

湍流十讲 英文版 (英)皮特·戴维森,(日)金田行雄,(美)凯特派立·斯尼华申著 2018年版

资料大小: 82.61 MB
文档格式: PDF文档
资料语言: 英文版
资料类别: 理学类
更新日期: 2023-05-31
推荐信息: 湍流   特派   英文   戴维   金田行雄

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湍流十讲 英文版
出版时间: 2018年版
  Inspired by a research programme held at the Newton Institute in Cambridge,this book contains reviews by lesding that summarize our current understanding of the nature of turbulence from theoretical,experimental,observational and computational and organized motion in wall turbulence;small scale structure;dynamics and statistics of homogeneous turbulence,turbulent transport and mixing;and effects of rotation,stratification and magnetohydrodynamics,as well as superfluid turbulence。

1. Smell-Scale Statistics and Structure of Turbulence-in the Light of High Resolution Direct Numerical Simulation

2. Structure and Dynamics of Vorticity in Turbulence

3. Passive Scalar Transport in Turbulence:A Computational Perspective

4. A Lagrangian View of Turbulent Dispersion and Mixing

5. The Eddies and Scales of Wall Turbulence

6. Dynamics of Wall-Bounded Turbulence

7. Recent Progress in Stratified Turbulence

8. Rapidly-Rotating Turbulence:An Experimental Perspective

9. MHD Dynamos and Turbulence

10. How Similar is Quantum Turbulence to Classical Turbulence?
